Dec. 1, 2023 Lawrence Flournoy
Dear Board Members,
I am calling a special board meeting at 6:00 p m December 5th at Idaho Pizza. The topics are insurance, hut operations and any other issues that are applicable. Please RSVP.
Thank you,
Dear Board Members,
I am calling a special board meeting at 6:00 p m December 5th at Idaho Pizza. The topics are insurance, hut operations and any other issues that are applicable. Please RSVP.
Thank you,
Jan. 16, 2023, Lawrence Flournoy
The Banquet room at Idaho Pizza has been reserved from 6 to 8 pm on February 9th and March 9th. This will address meeting locations for the rest of this ski year. The board can meet from 6 to 7 along with people that want to eat. The meeting will start at 7:00.
I am not going to be at the February meeting. Kathy and Denise will moderate the meeting. I will prepare an agenda for the meeting. If you have any items for the agenda, please let me know.
The Banquet room at Idaho Pizza has been reserved from 6 to 8 pm on February 9th and March 9th. This will address meeting locations for the rest of this ski year. The board can meet from 6 to 7 along with people that want to eat. The meeting will start at 7:00.
I am not going to be at the February meeting. Kathy and Denise will moderate the meeting. I will prepare an agenda for the meeting. If you have any items for the agenda, please let me know.
The High Desert Nordic Association would like to thank Magic Mountain Resort for sponsoring the FREE SKI DAY and, also, thank CSI for supplying Nordic ski equipment! Many of the members of HDNA are advanced skiers and are volunteering to help teach classic cross-country skiing techniques where needed. Over the last 35 year the HDNA members have help with many events and many Free Ski Days as a public service to the community of South-Central Idaho. The Free Ski Day has been one of the most popular events. This is a great opportunity for young people and families to learn a little bit about Nordic skiing and enjoy a fun day together.

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Jan. 25, 2023, Lawrence Flournoy
Dear Members and Friends,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors to update you on the HDNA.
The Minutes from the January 12th Board and General HDNA meetings are posted on the HDNA website https://www.skihdna.org/news-letters--meeting-min.html. Please note that the original Minutes incorrectly stated that future meetings would be held on the second Tuesday of each month through March, 2022. This will be corrected to read the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9th at Idaho Pizza on Kimberly Rd. The Board and any other interested members will meet at 6:00 pm in the Banquet room. The general meeting will commence at 7:00 pm. If you plan on eating please arrive before the General meeting. You are welcome to attend the Board meeting.
We wish to thank all the members that have "stepped up" and volunteered to make cross country skiing in Southern Idaho an outstanding outdoor winter recreational experience. The opportunities for trail and backcountry skiing that we have available is amazing. This is only possible due to your involvement.
The benefits of HDNA membership are many. We have a great trail system that is free to the general public. We are planning on some fun group ski outings. The Blaine County Recreation District (BCRD) has agreed to provide one free pass to each paid HDNA member per year. http://www.galenalodge.com/. Our HDNA club dues pays for trail signage, maintenance of grooming equipment, hut permit from the US Forest Service, and insurance.
If you have paid your dues for the 2022/23 season.....thank you !!. If you have not paid your dues ($20 individual $30 family) please do so by either sending a check to the HDNA at PO Box 2539, Twin Falls, ID 83301 or pay at the next meeting. Please update your contact information via the HDNA website https://www.skihdna.org/hdna-membership-info.html or note your email address with your payment.
If dues are not received by the next HDNA meeting on February 9th you will be deleted from the HDNA contact list.
Please feel free to contact myself or any Board member if you have any questions or concerns.
Lawrence Flournoy
President HDNA
Dear Members and Friends,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors to update you on the HDNA.
The Minutes from the January 12th Board and General HDNA meetings are posted on the HDNA website https://www.skihdna.org/news-letters--meeting-min.html. Please note that the original Minutes incorrectly stated that future meetings would be held on the second Tuesday of each month through March, 2022. This will be corrected to read the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9th at Idaho Pizza on Kimberly Rd. The Board and any other interested members will meet at 6:00 pm in the Banquet room. The general meeting will commence at 7:00 pm. If you plan on eating please arrive before the General meeting. You are welcome to attend the Board meeting.
We wish to thank all the members that have "stepped up" and volunteered to make cross country skiing in Southern Idaho an outstanding outdoor winter recreational experience. The opportunities for trail and backcountry skiing that we have available is amazing. This is only possible due to your involvement.
The benefits of HDNA membership are many. We have a great trail system that is free to the general public. We are planning on some fun group ski outings. The Blaine County Recreation District (BCRD) has agreed to provide one free pass to each paid HDNA member per year. http://www.galenalodge.com/. Our HDNA club dues pays for trail signage, maintenance of grooming equipment, hut permit from the US Forest Service, and insurance.
If you have paid your dues for the 2022/23 season.....thank you !!. If you have not paid your dues ($20 individual $30 family) please do so by either sending a check to the HDNA at PO Box 2539, Twin Falls, ID 83301 or pay at the next meeting. Please update your contact information via the HDNA website https://www.skihdna.org/hdna-membership-info.html or note your email address with your payment.
If dues are not received by the next HDNA meeting on February 9th you will be deleted from the HDNA contact list.
Please feel free to contact myself or any Board member if you have any questions or concerns.
Lawrence Flournoy
President HDNA
Jan. 14, 2023, Lawrence Flournoy
I checked yesterday with Idaho Pizza, and they said that the banquet room is available on Thursday February 9th and Thursday March 9th. Unless we have an alternative plan, I think that we should plan on meeting there for the rest of the season.
I checked yesterday with Idaho Pizza, and they said that the banquet room is available on Thursday February 9th and Thursday March 9th. Unless we have an alternative plan, I think that we should plan on meeting there for the rest of the season.
2023 March 9 HDNA Board and General Meetings at Idaho Pizza, Twin Falls
The minutes of the board and general meetings are combined here since the same topics were discussed.
The board meeting was called to order at 1815 by President Lawrence Flournoy. Board members present were Dennis Kincaid, Dennis Swaer, Kathy Steinmetz, Steve Steinmetz, and Valdon Hancock. Sarah Holyoak was excused.
Also present was Steve Hosier, USFS, Fairfield/Minidoka dist.
A Board meeting was held on March 2 to work on the bylaws. Marti Kincaid is directing this work which is ongoing.
The first topic for discussion was programs for next year, and the need for a program director. Possible programs include Avy education and Blaine county Recreation.
A discussion of the problem of Snow Bikes and snowmobiles in the closed area followed. Some additional signage is needed.
The general meeting commenced at 1900 conducted by Lawrence Flournoy.
Minutes of the Feb. 9 meeting were approved.
Treasurers Report, Dennis Kincaid
Account Balances: Regular $3363.25, Hut: $589.77
Dave Duhaime moved to donate $200 to the Twin Falls Highway District. The motion passed.
Rick Novacek reported on today’s grooming on 500 road, and elsewhere.
The Free Ski Day hosted by Magic Mountain is set for March 11, 10-2 PM. Dan Cress is the main organizer, with Sarah Holyoak from CSI cooperating. Magic has 18 sets of skis and CSI will bring 20 sets.
Dave Duhaime discussed summer trail work and stated that we could possibly spend $500-$1000 for signage.
A memorial to Dennis Pettygrove is being planned. Nancy Larimer is designing a plaque to be hung in the Magic Mtn. Lodge. Another idea is to remake the signs at the top of Pike Mountain, including a memorial to Dennis Pettygrove. Dion Herndon, Dennis’ sister, is donating $1000 to HDNA for the memorial and other HDNA projects.
Possible meeting places for next year are Idaho Pizza and CSI. The next meeting will be Nov. 9.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2000.
The minutes of the board and general meetings are combined here since the same topics were discussed.
The board meeting was called to order at 1815 by President Lawrence Flournoy. Board members present were Dennis Kincaid, Dennis Swaer, Kathy Steinmetz, Steve Steinmetz, and Valdon Hancock. Sarah Holyoak was excused.
Also present was Steve Hosier, USFS, Fairfield/Minidoka dist.
A Board meeting was held on March 2 to work on the bylaws. Marti Kincaid is directing this work which is ongoing.
The first topic for discussion was programs for next year, and the need for a program director. Possible programs include Avy education and Blaine county Recreation.
A discussion of the problem of Snow Bikes and snowmobiles in the closed area followed. Some additional signage is needed.
The general meeting commenced at 1900 conducted by Lawrence Flournoy.
Minutes of the Feb. 9 meeting were approved.
Treasurers Report, Dennis Kincaid
Account Balances: Regular $3363.25, Hut: $589.77
Dave Duhaime moved to donate $200 to the Twin Falls Highway District. The motion passed.
Rick Novacek reported on today’s grooming on 500 road, and elsewhere.
The Free Ski Day hosted by Magic Mountain is set for March 11, 10-2 PM. Dan Cress is the main organizer, with Sarah Holyoak from CSI cooperating. Magic has 18 sets of skis and CSI will bring 20 sets.
Dave Duhaime discussed summer trail work and stated that we could possibly spend $500-$1000 for signage.
A memorial to Dennis Pettygrove is being planned. Nancy Larimer is designing a plaque to be hung in the Magic Mtn. Lodge. Another idea is to remake the signs at the top of Pike Mountain, including a memorial to Dennis Pettygrove. Dion Herndon, Dennis’ sister, is donating $1000 to HDNA for the memorial and other HDNA projects.
Possible meeting places for next year are Idaho Pizza and CSI. The next meeting will be Nov. 9.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2000.
The January 12, 2023, general meeting of the High Desert Nordic Association (HDNA) was called to order at 7:00pm at Idaho Pizza, Twin Falls, Idaho by President Lawrence Flournoy. A roll sheet was sent around for all to sign.
The Minutes for the last meeting were sent to the membership via email. There being no objections and they were accepted as printed.
Treasurer report:
Acct #1
Beginning balance 12/1/22: $2848.45
Ending balance 1/13/23: $3333.47
Acct: #2
Beginning balance; $690
Ending Balance: $682.69
Treasurer Dennis Kincaid reported that the account signatures have been changed over to himself and Lawrence Flournoy. He is waiting to hear back from Jed Friedman, USFS, about the hut permit fee payments. He will contact the insurance company about paying for the years that the Hut is not in operation.
Board report: Officers are President Lawrence Flournoy, Vice-President Kathy Steinmetz, Secretary/Treasurer Dennis Kincaid with his wife, Marti Kincaid, doing the Secretary duties as needed.
USFS: no report
CSI: Sarah Holyoake reported on the Wellness Class Nordic program
Magic Mountain and Trail Grooming reports: Dan Cress (Magic Mountain) deferred to Rick Novacek to discuss grooming. Rick reported that there is an electrical problem with the groomer snowmobile setup. He has the skills to fix the problem but will need County approval to proceed. He asked the Club for approximately $100 for repairs. Valdon Hancock moved to approve up to $150 when receipts for the work are presented to the Club; second; motion carried. Receipts for fuel purchases for the groomer need to be given to the Club. No fuel is to be stored in the Forest Service building. It can be stored in the storage building for Magic Mountain.
Rick has groomed Rock Creek Trail both long and short loops, but tracks have not been set due to equipment problems.
There was a reminder that the Forest Service requested updates on trail conditions. Rick will text updates to Ted for the website.
Trail Maintenance: Dave Duhaime will continue to coordinate the summer and fall work on the trails and notify members by email of workdays. His goal is to have a trail that can be safely followed.
Dave will try to get more signs to instruct snowshoers and motorized vehicles about trail usage. Dan Cress already reminds snowshoe equipment renters about how to use trails.
Dennis Kincaid handed out updated trail maps to those present and extra to Dan Cress.
Website: Ted Deetz requested information and pictures be sent to him to update the website.
Communication with members and public: Sarah Holyoak volunteered to work with the CSI Marketing department to find a student to work with public outreach. Molly Miller and Marti Kincaid will work with Valdon Hancock on Facebook and Instagram media. Molly will research other groups with similar interests.
Moonlight Ski – Feb 4th was selected to be held at Magic Mountain. The potluck will be held at a time to miss the Cosmic Tubing crowd being in the lodge. Kathy and Steve Steinmetz will coordinate.
Other group ski outings were discussed and it will be left up to individuals to coordinate.
Bylaw review and update: Marti Kincaid will chair.
Venmo and other methods of payments: Members expressed interest in being able to pay with cell phone apps.
Blaine County ski trail agreement: Valdon will check on the status
Future meetings: Sarah will check with CSI for room availability. Meetings will continue to be on the second Tuesday of the month.
Magic Mountain Cross Country Ski: Magic Mountain wants to offer beginner lessons and sponsor learn how to cross country ski events if the Club does not want to offer them. No decision was made.
Club ski equipment: Dave Duhaime moved to dispose of the Club ski equipment due to it being outdated and unusable; second, passed. Dan Cress will be in charge.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.
Marti Kincaid
The January 12, 2023, general meeting of the High Desert Nordic Association (HDNA) was called to order at 7:00pm at Idaho Pizza, Twin Falls, Idaho by President Lawrence Flournoy. A roll sheet was sent around for all to sign.
The Minutes for the last meeting were sent to the membership via email. There being no objections and they were accepted as printed.
Treasurer report:
Acct #1
Beginning balance 12/1/22: $2848.45
Ending balance 1/13/23: $3333.47
Acct: #2
Beginning balance; $690
Ending Balance: $682.69
Treasurer Dennis Kincaid reported that the account signatures have been changed over to himself and Lawrence Flournoy. He is waiting to hear back from Jed Friedman, USFS, about the hut permit fee payments. He will contact the insurance company about paying for the years that the Hut is not in operation.
Board report: Officers are President Lawrence Flournoy, Vice-President Kathy Steinmetz, Secretary/Treasurer Dennis Kincaid with his wife, Marti Kincaid, doing the Secretary duties as needed.
USFS: no report
CSI: Sarah Holyoake reported on the Wellness Class Nordic program
Magic Mountain and Trail Grooming reports: Dan Cress (Magic Mountain) deferred to Rick Novacek to discuss grooming. Rick reported that there is an electrical problem with the groomer snowmobile setup. He has the skills to fix the problem but will need County approval to proceed. He asked the Club for approximately $100 for repairs. Valdon Hancock moved to approve up to $150 when receipts for the work are presented to the Club; second; motion carried. Receipts for fuel purchases for the groomer need to be given to the Club. No fuel is to be stored in the Forest Service building. It can be stored in the storage building for Magic Mountain.
Rick has groomed Rock Creek Trail both long and short loops, but tracks have not been set due to equipment problems.
There was a reminder that the Forest Service requested updates on trail conditions. Rick will text updates to Ted for the website.
Trail Maintenance: Dave Duhaime will continue to coordinate the summer and fall work on the trails and notify members by email of workdays. His goal is to have a trail that can be safely followed.
Dave will try to get more signs to instruct snowshoers and motorized vehicles about trail usage. Dan Cress already reminds snowshoe equipment renters about how to use trails.
Dennis Kincaid handed out updated trail maps to those present and extra to Dan Cress.
Website: Ted Deetz requested information and pictures be sent to him to update the website.
Communication with members and public: Sarah Holyoak volunteered to work with the CSI Marketing department to find a student to work with public outreach. Molly Miller and Marti Kincaid will work with Valdon Hancock on Facebook and Instagram media. Molly will research other groups with similar interests.
Moonlight Ski – Feb 4th was selected to be held at Magic Mountain. The potluck will be held at a time to miss the Cosmic Tubing crowd being in the lodge. Kathy and Steve Steinmetz will coordinate.
Other group ski outings were discussed and it will be left up to individuals to coordinate.
Bylaw review and update: Marti Kincaid will chair.
Venmo and other methods of payments: Members expressed interest in being able to pay with cell phone apps.
Blaine County ski trail agreement: Valdon will check on the status
Future meetings: Sarah will check with CSI for room availability. Meetings will continue to be on the second Tuesday of the month.
Magic Mountain Cross Country Ski: Magic Mountain wants to offer beginner lessons and sponsor learn how to cross country ski events if the Club does not want to offer them. No decision was made.
Club ski equipment: Dave Duhaime moved to dispose of the Club ski equipment due to it being outdated and unusable; second, passed. Dan Cress will be in charge.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.
Marti Kincaid
The Board Meeting of the High Desert Nordic Association (HDNA) was called to order at 6:24pm at Idaho Pizza, Twin Falls, Idaho by President Pro Tem Dennis Kincaid. Present were Kathy and Steve Steinmetz, Dennis Kincaid, Sarah Holyoak, Valdon Hancock, and Lawrence Flournoy.
The first item of business was to approve the addition of Valdon Hancock and Lawrence Flournoy to the Board. It was approved by acclamation.
The election of officers proceeded. Dennis Kincaid nominated Lawrence Flournoy for president and Kathy Steinmetz for vice president. Motion to close nominations by Marti Kincaid, second, motion carried. The vote was unanimous to elect the positions.
It was decided by acclamation that the term would be until end of Club year in 2023.
Bylaws: These need to be reviewed and updated as needed. Marti Kincaid will chair a committed to do this. Steve Steinmetz will help as needed. The bylaws are available on the website.
New business
Communication with membership – Ted Deetz, webmaster, said a member portal was possible on the website.
Organization direction – The Club was started to have an entity recognized by the USFS so that trails could be improved in the South Hills. Outings were a part of the social part to encourage the use of trails. Discussion followed as should it change to more social focus with organized group outings, cooperating with CSI. This will be moved to the general meeting.
Hut – it will be investigated as to the establishment of a permanent hut in the South Hills.
Communication with Nordic skiers – Sarah Holyoak will contact the Marketing program at CSI to find a student (intern) to put together a marketing package.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm
Marti Kincaid
The Board Meeting of the High Desert Nordic Association (HDNA) was called to order at 6:24pm at Idaho Pizza, Twin Falls, Idaho by President Pro Tem Dennis Kincaid. Present were Kathy and Steve Steinmetz, Dennis Kincaid, Sarah Holyoak, Valdon Hancock, and Lawrence Flournoy.
The first item of business was to approve the addition of Valdon Hancock and Lawrence Flournoy to the Board. It was approved by acclamation.
The election of officers proceeded. Dennis Kincaid nominated Lawrence Flournoy for president and Kathy Steinmetz for vice president. Motion to close nominations by Marti Kincaid, second, motion carried. The vote was unanimous to elect the positions.
It was decided by acclamation that the term would be until end of Club year in 2023.
Bylaws: These need to be reviewed and updated as needed. Marti Kincaid will chair a committed to do this. Steve Steinmetz will help as needed. The bylaws are available on the website.
New business
Communication with membership – Ted Deetz, webmaster, said a member portal was possible on the website.
Organization direction – The Club was started to have an entity recognized by the USFS so that trails could be improved in the South Hills. Outings were a part of the social part to encourage the use of trails. Discussion followed as should it change to more social focus with organized group outings, cooperating with CSI. This will be moved to the general meeting.
Hut – it will be investigated as to the establishment of a permanent hut in the South Hills.
Communication with Nordic skiers – Sarah Holyoak will contact the Marketing program at CSI to find a student (intern) to put together a marketing package.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm
Marti Kincaid